Grab Life allows you to be...
more productive and playful, experience life
fully, and live more pain free.
Congrats, you have taken the
first step byRegistering to Attend a Class.
What happens
You need to watch your EMAIL
(junk/spam/etc) for...
1. Confirmation of sign up for class.
2. Your INTAKE forms
and Waivers. These must be completed 72 hrs
prior to class or you might be removed from
classes until these forms are completed and
SIGNED. This it for your safety and ours.
Some of the questions: Health, Ability, Pairing
Preference, Goals, Plan moving forward.
Please check out the What to
Bring/Wear page (Click Here). This
will provide you with further information so you
get the most out of the class.
Here's to a
Healthier and happier you !